Last SATURDAY, Clare's first ride in Boulder-- she crashed hard coming down from Ward. The road crews put plenty of gravel/sand on the corners and she took one a little aggressively and had to slam on the breaks... and the bike went right out from under her. OUCH. All I can say is that she is one tough cookie! She is awesome. Stay tuned for pics.... it is nasty. Remember to wear gloves. Safety first.
Tomorrow is the Frostbite Time Trial-- Sunday is the DU crit. fun fun. More updates coming soon!
Nice going, Kate!! Way to make the new girl push snow off your car. Clare, I hope you weren't traumatized by that chore. Best to practice some more 'cause there's a lot of that fluffy white stuff here at the farm.
Hey Katie, I miss you! Glad to hear you are enjoying life, say Hi to your folks.
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