Thursday, March 27, 2008

Back to Tucson!

We made it to our host's house last night around 6:30. Apparently Tucson doesn't participate in daylight savings, so going from pac time, to mt. time, to non daylight savings time... to thinking about central time... I have no idea what time it is-- even after one day! Another thing... I don't even remember what day it is. I just need to figure it out by next Wednesday, which happens to be my first day working at! oh yeah. :)

The house we are staying in is beautiful, a utopia right in the middle of the city. Our host's have the most amazing succulent plant collection I have ever seen... and I can't wait to start my NEXT plant collection which was almost extinct after the move west. I definitely need more green in my room on Euclid Circle.

Today we prerode the TT course for the weekend's race: . check it out! I think it will be a fun weekend.


Pedal Pimp said...

I like plants, but I am as good at keeping plants alive as I am at keeping a spouse. I killed my peace plant, to bad I didn't....oh never mind.......
Have fun in AZ Kate, and be safe

Kate said...

Tim! Plants can be finiky! TT today, should be great and tough. We're heading to madison on Thursday-- for the milk-mustache photos!
Hope all is well-